Paris Revival Translations

English translations of the lyrics from the 1991 Les Misérables Paris revival cast recording. Unlike the concept-album lyrics, they are the standard version of the musical in French; unlike all the other translations of the musical, they were done by Boublil and Schönberg themselves, and are often quite freely adapted from the English versions.

Translations of the 1980 concept-album lyrics can be found on Madame Bahorel's website.

Songs in italics have no English translation available yet.

Act 1
Le bagne: pitié, pitié (The Prison: Mercy, Mercy)
En liberté conditionelle (On Parole)
L'évêque de Digne (The Bishop of Digne)
Pourquoi ai-je permis à cet homme? (Why did I allow this man?)
Quand un jour est passé (When a Day is Past)
J'avais rêvé d'une autre vie (I Had Dreamed of Another Life)
Tu viens, chéri! (Come On, Darling)
Le procès: Comment faire? (The Trial: What to Do?)
La mort de Fantine (Fantine's Death)
La confrontation (The Confrontation)
Une poupée dans la vitrine (A Doll in the Window)
Maître Thénardier (Master Thénardier)
La transaction (The Transaction)
Bonjour Paris (Hello Paris)
Sous les étoiles (Beneath the Stars)
Le Café des Amis de l'ABC (The Café of the Friends of the ABC)
Rouge, la flamme de la colère (Red, the Flame of Anger)
À la volonté du peuple (To the Will of the People)
Rue Plumet: Dans ma vie (Rue Plumet: In My Life)
Le coeur au bonheur (A Heart of Happiness)
Le casse de la rue Plumet (The Break-in of the Rue Plumet)
Le grand jour (The Great Day)

Act II
La première barricade (The First Barricade)
Mon Histoire (My Story)
Sur la barricade (On the Barricade)
Je sais ce qui se trame (I Know What They're Plotting)
C'est la faute à. . . (It's the Fault Of. . .)
La première attaque (The First Attack)
Un peu de sang qui pleure (A Bit of Blood that Weeps)
Souviens-toi des jours passés (Remember Days Past)
Comme un homme (As a Man)
Fureurs cannibales (Cannibal Frenzies)
Le suicide de Javert (Javert's Suicide)
Tourne, tourne (Turn, Turn)
Seul devant ces tables vides (Alone Before these Empty Tables)
Au mariage: sonnez, sonnez (At the Wedding: Ring Out, Ring Out)
Mendiants à la fête (Beggars at the Feast)
Final: C'est pour demain (Finale: It Will Come Tomorrow)
